

class photoshop.PhotoshopConnection(password: Optional[str] = None, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 49494, validator: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None)

Photoshop session.

  • password – Password for the connection, configured in Photoshop. If None, try to get password from PHOTOSHOP_PASSWORD environment variable.
  • host – IP address of Photoshop host, default localhost.
  • port – Connection port default to 49494.
  • validator

    Validate function for ECMAscript.


    from esprima import parseScript
    with PhotoshopConnection(validator=parseScript) as c:
        c.execute('bad_script +')  # Raises an Error

ConnectionRefusedError – if failed to connect to Photoshop.


from photoshop import PhotoshopConnection

with PhotoshopConnection(password='secret', host='') as conn:
close() → None

Close the session.

download(path: str, file_type: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) → Dict[str, Any]

Download the specified document. The file type must be in the format supported by Photoshop.

  • path – file path on the server.
  • file_type – file type, see open_document().

dict. See return type of get_document_stream()

execute(script: str, receive_output: bool = False, timeout: Optional[float] = None) → Dict[str, Any]

Execute the given ExtendScript in Photoshop.

  • script – ExtendScript to execute in Photoshop.
  • receive_output – Indicates extra return value is returned from Photoshop.
  • timeout – Timeout in seconds to wait for response.

dict. See receive().


RuntimeError – if error happens in remote.

get_document_info(version: Optional[str] = None, document: Optional[str] = None, placed_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, layer: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], None] = None, expand_smart_objects: bool = False, get_text_styles: bool = False, get_full_text_styles: bool = False, get_default_layer_effect: bool = False, get_comp_layer_settings: bool = False, get_path_data: bool = False, image_info: Optional[bool] = None, comp_info: Optional[bool] = None, layer_info: bool = True, include_ancestors: bool = True) → Dict[str, Any]

Return complete document info in JSON format.

  • version – optional requested version (you always get the current version back, but this does a sanity check, and errors on an incompatible version). Example: ‘1.4.0’.
  • document – optional document id, uses active doc if not specified.
  • placed_ids – Photoshop 16.1 and later, optional. reference smart object(s) within the document series of “ID” from layer:smartObject:{} or “placedID” from “image:placed:[{}]”.
  • layerNone for all layers in photoshop, or specify one of the following: - integer ID of a single layer, e.g. 0. - (first, last) tuple of layer IDs, e.g., (1, 6). - ‘selected’ for currently selected layers.
  • expand_smart_objects – default is false, recursively get doc info for any smart objects. can be slow.
  • get_text_styles – default is false, return more detailed text info. can be slow.
  • get_full_text_styles – default is false, return all text information (getTextStyles must also be true).
  • get_default_layer_effect – default is false, return all layer fx even if they are disabled.
  • get_comp_layer_settings – default is false, enumerate layer settings in layer comps.
  • get_path_data – default is false, return path control points for shapes.
  • image_info – return image-wide info (size, resolution etc.), default is layer != ‘selected’.
  • comp_info – return comp info in “comps” array, default is true, default is layer != ‘selected’.
  • layer_info – return layer info in “layers” array, default is true.
  • include_ancestors – 16.1 and later, include surrounding layer groups if doing selected layers/range/single layer id. default is true. should only be used with single layers (otherwise grouping may not be accurate).



RuntimeError – if error happens in remote.

get_document_stream(document: Optional[str] = None, placed_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, placed_id: Optional[str] = None, layer: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], None] = None, position: Optional[int] = None, size: Optional[int] = None, path_only: Optional[bool] = None) → Dict[str, Any]

Get the file info and file stream for a smart object.

  • document – optional document id, uses active doc if not specified.
  • placed_ids – Photoshop 16.1 and later, optional. reference smart object(s) within the document series of “ID” from layer:smartObject:{} or “placedID” from “image:placed:[{}]”.
  • placed_id – return file for smart object with this placed id (“ID” from layer:smartObject:{} or “placedID” from “image:placed:[{}]”).
  • layer – when integer ID of a single layer is specified, e.g. 0, return file for smart object with this layer id. When placed_id is None and layer is also None, return placed smart object stream the selected layers
  • position – offset into file (defaults to 0).
  • size – number of bytes to return (defaults to all bytes).
  • path_only – instead of returning the file stream back over the wire, write it to a file local to the server, and return the path as a string argument in the JSON part of the FileStream Reply.

dict with the following fields:

  • mimeFormat: mime string.
  • position : position of file data returned.
  • size : number of file bytes returned.
  • fullSize : total number of bytes in file.
  • path : string, server-local path to file if path was set to true in the request).
  • data: actual data in bytes. if path is True, this is empty.


RuntimeError – if error happens in remote.


The maximum size returned by PS is 2 GB, if you have a smart object bigger than 2 GB, you need to use the position/size format. To return chunks, or the path format to write it to a temp file. Document stream/attributes are returned as a FileStream Reply.

get_document_thumbnail(document: Optional[str] = None, max_width: int = 2048, max_height: int = 2048, format: int = 1, placed_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) → Union[bytes, photoshop.protocol.Pixmap]

Send a thumbnail of a document’s composite.

  • document – optional document id, uses active doc if not specified.
  • max_width – maximum width of thumbnail.
  • max_height – maximum height of thumbnail.
  • format – 1 is JPEG, 2 is pixmap (uncompressed w/ transparency).
  • placed_ids – Photoshop 16.1 and later, optional. reference smart object(s) within the document series of “ID” from layer:smartObject:{} or “placedID” from “image:placed:[{}]”.

JPEG bytes if format is 1, or Pixmap if format is 2.


RuntimeError – if error happens in remote.

get_layer_shape(document: Optional[str] = None, layer: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], None] = None, version: str = '1.0.0', placed_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) → Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Return path/fill/strokeStyle for a shape layer(s).

  • document – optional document id, uses active doc if not specified.
  • placed_ids – Photoshop 16.1 and later, optional. reference smart object(s) within the document series of “ID” from layer:smartObject:{} or “placedID” from “image:placed:[{}]”.
  • layerNone for currently selected layers in photoshop, or specify one of the following: - integer ID of a single layer, e.g. 0. - (first, last) tuple of layer IDs, e.g., (1, 6).
  • version – format version. Valid versions are 1.0.0 in 14.1, and 1.0, 1.0.0, 1.1, or 1.1.0 in Photoshop 14.2

dict of the following schema, or None if no valid layer is specified.


    {"pathComponents": // arrays of paths to be filled and boolean operators
        [{"shapeOperation": ("intersect"/"add"/"subtract"/"xor")
        "subpathListKey":[  //list of subpath objects that make up the component
            {"closedSubpath":true, // (if subpath is closed)
             "points": [{" // array of knot objects (anchor and control points)
                anchor:[x,y]        //point on path
                forward:[x1,y1]     //forward bezier control
                backward:[x2,y2]    //backward bezier control
                },  //next knot...
        "origin":{"origin": ("ellipse"/"rect"/"roundedrect"/"line"/"unknown")
        "radii":  [r1,r2,r3,r4], //radii for rounded rect if any
    "bounds":["top":top,"left":left,"right":right,"bottom":bottom], //bounds of entire path
    "defaultFill":true/false}, //whether path starts out filled or not
    {"gradient":{(gradient object)},"class":"gradientLayer"}
    {"pattern":{(pattern object)},"class":"patternLayer"}
    {(strokeStyle object)}


             "points": [{"anchor":[234.5,36],"forward":[307.125,36],"backward":[161.875,36]},
Raises:RuntimeError – if error happens in remote.
get_layer_thumbnail(document: Optional[str] = None, max_width: int = 2048, max_height: int = 2048, convert_rgb_profile: bool = True, icc_profile: Optional[str] = None, interpolation: Optional[str] = None, transform: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, layer: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], None] = None, layer_settings: Optional[Sequence[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, image_settings: Optional[Sequence[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, include_layers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, clip_bounds: Union[bool, Tuple[int, ...], None] = None, bounds: Optional[bool] = False, bounds_only: Optional[bool] = False, thread: Optional[bool] = None, layer_comp_id: Optional[str] = None, layer_comp_index: Optional[int] = None, dither: bool = True, color_dither: bool = True) → Optional[photoshop.protocol.Pixmap]

Send a thumbnail of layer composite, or a range of layers, with optional settings/transform applied.

  • document – optional document id, uses active doc if not specified.
  • max_width – maximum width of thumbnail.
  • max_height – maximum height of thumbnail.
  • placed_ids – Photoshop 16.1 and later, optional. reference smart object(s) within the document series of “ID” from layer:smartObject:{} or “placedID” from “image:placed:[{}]”.
  • convert_rgb_profile – if True, the thumbnail is converted to the working RGB space in “Color Settings…”.
  • icc_profile – optional, Photoshop 16.1, and later. convert to profile with this name, e.g. srgb is “sRGB IEC61966-2.1”
  • interpolation

    interpolation method to use for any downscaling necessary to fit into requested “width”/”height”. supported interpolation types (from image size dialog/action):

    • ”nearestNeighbor”
    • ”bilinear”
    • ”bicubic”
    • ”bicubicSmoother”
    • ”bicubicSharper”
    • ”bicubicAutomatic”
    • ”preserveDetailsUpscale”
    • ”automaticInterpolation”

    default is “bicubicSharper”.

  • transform

    scale/transform layers by this before building thumbnails (scales original source data, such as smart obj/vectors). if this is specified, the thumbnail is built on a worker thread in Photoshop.


    transform = {
        'scale_x': 100.0,
        'scale_y': 100.0,
        'interpolation': 'bicubicSharper',
        'dumb_scaling': True
    • scale_x: percent, 100.0 == 1x
    • scale_y: percent, 100.0 == 1x
    • interpolation: Optional, similar to interpolation above, but this is just used for the transform step (not the thumbnail), it defaults to Photoshop’s “Image Interpolation” preference.
    • dumb_scaling: For PS >= 14.2. Make smart shapes scale like non-smart shapes (round rect corners will scale), default is False.
  • layerNone for currently selected layers in photoshop, or specify one of the following: - integer ID of a single layer, e.g. 0. - (first, last) tuple of layer IDs, e.g., (1, 6).
  • document – optional document id, uses active doc if not specified
  • layer_settings

    Action list to modify the layer before the thumbnail is retrieved. This option is available when layer param is specified by tuple range. The argument should be list of dict with the following keys:

    • enabled: make the layer visible/invisible.
    • blendOptions: blending settings to use.
    • layerEffects: fx settings to use.
    • offset: integer offset of layer in dict.
    • vectorMask: vector mask to apply in dict.
    • FXRefPoint: effect reference point.


            'enabled': True,
            'blendOptions': [],
            'layerEffects': [],
            'offset': {
                'horizontal': 0,
                'vertical': 0
            'vectorMask': {
                'enabled': False,
                'offset': {
                'invert': False,
            'FXRefPoint': {
                'horizontal': 0,
                'vertical': 0
  • image_settings
  • include_layers

    include additional layers to the requested layer. dict with one or more of the following keys.

    • adjustors: adjustors above the layer, default is visible.
    • ancestors: enclosing groups (includes group blending, fx, masks ), default is all. visible and all incorporate any blending parameters/masks of the ancestor groups. visible returns an empty thumbnail for any layer inside an invisible group. none substitutes default groups for any groups around the layer.
    • children: if layer is a group (includes group blending, fx, masks), default is visible.
    • clipbase: clip base if layer is clipped. The clip base is a layer that a clipped layer is clipped to, default is all.
    • clipped: clipped layers if layer is clip base, default is visible.

    Values are one of ‘all’, ‘none’, or ‘visible’.

    • all: include all layers of this type (force them visible).
    • none: include no layers of this type.
    • visible: include visible layers of this type.


        'adjustors': 'none',
        'children': 'all',
  • clip_bounds – clip the layer thumbnail to the document canvas bounds if specified. Can specify True to bound to document size, or specify tuple of (top, left, right, bottom).
  • bounds – return the thumbnail bounds as JSON on same transaction. (default is False).
  • bounds_only – Just return the thumbnail bounds as JSON on same transaction. (no thumbnail data) (default is false).
  • thread – build the thumbnail on a thread. By default, the thumbnail is threaded if there is a “transform”, otherwise it is done on the main thread unless a user event occurs, then it is cancelled, and restarted on a thread thread can be used to override the default (either force the thumb to be started on the main thread or a background thread) it may help performance if you know that the thumbnail is either quick (best done on main thread) or slow (best done on background) there is a slight memory/performance penalty for threading in that the layer data must be copied before it is threaded.
  • layer_comp_id – layer comp id to use (this comp is temporarily applied before getting thumbnail).
  • layer_comp_index – layer comp index to use (this comp is temporarily applied before getting thumbnail).
  • dither – 15.0 and later. If 1) dither is true 2) and either color_dither is false, or dither is checked in the global color settings (Color Settings… in Photoshop) 3) and any color/depth conversion would be “lossy” (16 to 8 bit, CMYK to RGB, etc), then dithering will occur, otherwise there will be no dithering.
  • color_dither – see above.

Pixmap or None.


RuntimeError – if error happens in remote.


“interpolation”, “transform”, “bounds”, “boundsOnly”, and “thread” are supported in background-only (layer-less) documents but only in version 15.0 and later. “layerID” should be 0 in that case. The other layer-related settings are ignored as there are no layers.


if layer tuple range includes a group layer, it must include the corresponding hidden “divider” layer at the bottom of the group (and vice-versa). The range can also just include layers inside a group with no group layers at all.

open_document(path: str, file_type: Optional[str] = None, smart_object: bool = False) → Dict[str, Any]

Open the specified document.

  • path – file path on the server.
  • file_type

    file type. default is None. This must be one of the following:

    • ’ALIASPIX’
    • ’BMP’
    • ’DICOM’
    • ’EPS’
    • ’JPEG’
    • ’PCX’
    • ’PDF’
    • ’PHOTOCD’
    • ’PIXAR’
    • ’PNG’
    • ’RAW’
    • ’SCITEXCT’
    • ’SGIRGB’
    • ’TARGA’
    • ’TIFF’
  • smart_object – open as a smart object.

dict of response.

ping(timeout: float = 10.0) → None

Send keep alive signal to Photoshop.

Parameters:timeout – Timeout in seconds to wait for response.
Raises:RuntimeError – if error happens in remote.
subscribe(event: str, callback: Callable[[photoshop.photoshop_connection.PhotoshopConnection, Optional[bytes]], bool], block: bool = False, **kwargs) → None

Subscribe to changes, sends any relevant change info back on subscribing socket.

  • event – Event name, one of Event.
  • callback

    Callable that takes two arguments:

    • conn: PhotoshopConnection instance.
    • data: bytes data returned from Photoshop on this event. The actual data format varies by event type.

      Return value of callback signals termination of the current subscription. If callback returns True, subscription stops.

  • block – Block until subscription finishes. default False.


import json
import time

def handler(conn, data):
    return True  # This terminates subscription

with PhotoshopConnection() as conn:
    conn.subscribe('imageChanged', handler)
upload(data: bytes, suffix: Optional[str] = None) → str

Upload arbitrary data to Photoshop, and returns the file path where the data is saved.

  • databytes to send.
  • suffix – suffix to append to the temporary file name.

Temporary server-side file path in str.


RuntimeError – if error happens in remote.


with open('/path/to/example.psd', 'rb') as f:
    filepath = conn.upload(, suffix='.psd')


class photoshop.Event

List of events in subscribe().

See Kevlar API.

Asrt = 'Asrt'
activeViewChanged = 'activeViewChanged'
backgroundColorChanged = 'backgroundColorChanged'
closedDocument = 'closedDocument'
colorSettingsChanged = 'colorSettingsChanged'
currentDocumentChanged = 'currentDocumentChanged'
documentChanged = 'documentChanged'
foregroundColorChanged = 'foregroundColorChanged'
generatorDocActivated = 'generatorDocActivated'
generatorMenuChanged = 'generatorMenuChanged'
idle = 'idle'
imageChanged = 'imageChanged'
keyboardShortcutsChanged = 'keyboardShortcutsChanged'
newDocumentViewCreated = 'newDocumentViewCreated'
quickMaskStateChanged = 'quickMaskStateChanged'
toolChanged = 'toolChanged'
workspaceChanged = 'workspaceChanged'